Start date : August 1 2023
End date : Ongoing
Coverage type : Scheduled Clinic Hours + Call
Schedule:24hr Weekday Call: Mon-Fri 8a-430p Rounding + Clinic
24hr Weekend Call: Sat-Sun 8a-8a Rounding 8a-930a
Candidate Requirements Active PA License or providers who need to obtain a license
Board Status: Board Eligible
Required Certifications: CPR
Minimum Years Experience (if applicable): 2
Job InformationTypical Day: AM rounds - approx start time is 8a but would depend on how many patients are in the department (typically 0-2) so 0-90 minutes. Then clinic 930a-430p Mon-Fri. Then PM rounds are only if needed a new patient was admitted. 24/7 nurse triage takes patient calls - only on call for hospital.
Provider will work solo
Patient mix: 100% Peds
Other specialties onsite: Peds Neuro, Gastro, Surgery, Pulmonology, Allergy, Hematology, Nephrology, Transplant, Neurosurgery
EMR: Epic