Cross Country Locums is seeking a Board-Certified hospitalist Physicians for urgent locum tenens need in Grand Coulee, WA. P l e a se r e v i e w the details bel o w .
- D a t e s o f C o v e ra g e: Saturday 10/29/2022 7A-7A, Sunday 10/30/2022 7A-7A, Sunday 11/20/2022 7A-7P, Friday 11/25/2022 7A-7A, Saturday 11/26/2022 7A-7A, Sunday 11/27/2022 7A-7P
- S c h e du l e : Hospitalist/ED back up for 12 hours/ 7PM-7AM (Hospitalist for 12 hours), Rounding 7am - 1pm, then on call
- P a y Rate: $190/ Hour
- Scope of Work: Inpatient, 20 beds in Dept. / 67 beds in total, Trauma level III
- Requirements: Active WA State license/ IMLC, BLS, ACLS, ATLS, PALS, DEA
- Additional: EMR EPIC, 11/25-26/2022 (Hospitalist/ED back up for 24 hours), will need to be MD/DO to assume newborn care
- T rav e l, L o dging, and A M a l p r a c ti c e In s ura n c e Provided
Reference Position ID: 50025