OB/GYN Physician Call Coverage Locums Job in Oklahoma
Dates forAssignment: January 3-5 and February 28 - March 2 with additional dates coming in future
Job Requirements forassignment :
Oklahoma medical license
Board Certification or Board Eligibility within 5 years
Three to four weekends per month
Starts ASAP (60 days from confirmation)
Friday 7am to Monday 7am
Two to three births per weekends
Level 2 NICU
20 C sections per month
ED call for Gyn maybe one or 2 cases per month
Jackson and Coker offers:
+ Weekly Direct Deposit
+ Top Rated Malpractice Insurance
+ In-House Travel Agency
+ 24/7 Recruiter Availability
+ Experienced In-House Privileging Coordinators
Experience why Jackson and Coker has been recognized by Forbes and Staffing Industry Analysts for our commitment to service excellence.
Apply Today!
Tracie Burnette
For more jobs, visit Jackson and Coker .