Job Description
Duties include operating Diesel Direct fuel delivery vehicles with a focus on safety and customer courtesy; performing daily pre-trip and post-trip vehicle inspections; fueling the vehicles; preparing trip reports; preparing accident and incident reports as necessary.
Essential Duties:
- Operates assigned vehicle in a safe and courteous manner
- Delivers fuel per customer time and delivery requirements
- Fuels vehicle(s) at various locations recording the fuel dispensed into each unit electronically or using a fuel service breakdown sheet
- Maintains accurate, up-to-date records on trip sheets, customer, vehicle maintenance, fuel purchases (BOL), incident reports, accident reports, vehicle condition reports and other records that are requested from management
- Works safely adhering to all company policy and practices while loading and unloading company vehicles
- Maintains defensive driving
- Provides a communication link between customers and staff
- Reads and interprets maps and driving directions to plan the most efficient route service for customers, and reads and interprets road signs in English
- Keeps the assigned vehicle(s) clean inside and outside
- Reports immediately any accident, fuel spill or medical emergencies to your supervisor
Required Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities:
Ability to drive multiple vehicles safely and appropriately, including ability to read and interpret road signs in English;
Ability to be detail oriented and be able to prioritize;
Ability to re ad , u n de r st an d , a n d a d he re to t h e rules a n d re g u la t io n s o f t h e
Federal Department of Transportation;
Ability to c o m m un ic a te e f fe cti v e ly o ral l y an d i n w r i ti n g ; ab i l ity to e st a b l i sh e f f e cti v e p r o f e ssi o na l rela t io n s h i p s w ith c u s t ome rs, c o - w o rkers, a n d up p e r le v e l st a ff an d e mp lo y ee s;
Ability to p re pa r e c on cise an d a cc u r a te rec o rds a n d r e po r t s; e x t en si v e k no w le d g e o f t h e o pe r a ti on s an d f e a t u res o f a ssi g ne d v eh ic l e (s ) ;
Ability to recognize vehicle maintenance needs; ability to interpret policies and procedures, maps, and route directions. Overtime s om e times re q u i r ed .
Must be able to lift 50 pounds.
Compensation details: 20-22 Yearly Salary
by Jobble