What is the annual volume? 10,000 visits 3,000 Pedi Emergent OB delivery- average 6 ANNUALLY; 85% Urgent Care; 15% ER 2. Is it single or Double coverage? single 3. Is there a Fast Track? If so, who covers the Fast Track? No although the majority of the patients are Urgent Care/Fast Track in caliber 4. Who handles admissions? Hospitalist Mon Fri 8am -5pm; After hours/weekends, ER Doc writes Admission orders in consultation w Inpatient On Call Doc w Inpatient Doc to see patient next day; >85% of patients requiring Admit are transferred due to limited Inpatient services (No telemetry, No continuous pulse ox) 5. What back-up specialties are available? Via Phone consultation: Cardiology, OB, Neuro, Ortho, Renal, Surgery, Infectious Disease; both Banner Health Care System & Phoenix Childrens Hospital provide on call access to all specialities . 6. How many other ER physicians are working at the facility? 1 Full Time, ER currently staffed by Locums 7 . Will you consider using an IM or FP physician with Emergency Medicine experience? Yes we utilize them presently 8 . What are the shifts that need to be covered? all 9. How many physicians will you need to cover each shift? 1
If you are Interested please contact Recruiter Jerrelle Cook or call