Anesthesiology MD/DO Las Cruces, NM
- Target start: Jan 13, 2025 - Ongoing
- Shifts available: 8, 10, and 12s. Saturdays are 8 hour shifts.
- Supervision or independent: comfortable practicing independently
- Specific requirements/restrictions: Must be board-certified with at least one year of experience. ACLS, PALS, AND BLS are required. provider cannot be within 60 miles of the facility. TRAINING FOR BLOCKS WILL NOT BE PROVIDED, AND THEY MUST PROVIDE CASE LOGS OF BLOCKS PERFORMED.
Email: About D&Y D&Y has become a leader in healthcare staffing by matching quality healthcare providers with quality practice environments. In fact, 90% of the healthcare professionals who have contracted with us continue to contract with us again and again. The services we offer include bi-weekly pay (we can even direct deposit it for you), provision of liability insurance, coordination of licensure, paid travel and accommodations, and a D&Y representative available to assist you 24 hours a day, from the first time you call until your contract assignment is complete.