CRNA CRNA Mason City, IA
- Target start: Nov 25-27 (1 provider), Dec 23-24 and Dec 26-27 (4 providers), Dec 30-Jan 3 (5 providers)
- Shifts available: 7a - 3:30p Mon-Fri
- Types of Cases: OB, General surgery, GI, Bariatric, Uro, Ortho, Neuro, Cardiothoracic, some ENT, some peds
- Supervision or independent: There is always a physician on 2nd call to back them up if there is overlap in patient volume or if the case is a trauma they don't think they can handle
- Specific requirements/restrictions: Call is Required, Must stay in Mason City while on call (10 min response time), Must be available to cover 3 weekends per month in 2024 - ongoing, No hearts
Email: About D&Y D&Y has become a leader in healthcare staffing by matching quality healthcare providers with quality practice environments. In fact, 90% of the healthcare professionals who have contracted with us continue to contract with us again and again. The services we offer include bi-weekly pay (we can even direct deposit it for you), provision of liability insurance, coordination of licensure, paid travel and accommodations, and a D&Y representative available to assist you 24 hours a day, from the first time you call until your contract assignment is complete.