Title: Wire Harness Technician
Address : East Peoria, IL
Shift: 6 am - 2:30 pm M-F ( Need to come on own vehicle, Since you're start working in the early work hours)
Job Description :
Manufacturer Wire Harness and Wire Harness Assemblies based on Customer Specifications and Standards. We will train - No Exp Necessary
Qualifications :
- Min Age should be 18+ Years
- We will train - No Exp Necessary
- Reliable Transportation
- Commitment to Quality
- Desire to Learn
- Ability to Distinguish Wire Colors
- Ability to read small fonts/print on wires.
- Ability to stand for long periods of time.
We specialize in Prototype Harnesses for Multiple Manufacturers. We take the customer's designs on print and fabricate them into functioning electrical wire harnesses. Candidates must be able to read and understand the work instructions provided to build an electrical harness.