Children's Medical Center Dallas Pediatric Pulmonary Nurse Practitioner or Physician Assistant (NP/PA)
Job Type (daily or hourly and inclusive or non-inclusive): hourly non
Credentialing Timeframe: 45
Shifts needed in a 4-week block: 12 each DAYS & NIGHTS 13 hour shifts
We do not do any procedures
Chronic ventilator patients are admitted to pulmonary for any reason as we are the only non-ICU floor that accepts ventilated patients. This means we get to see a large variety of things such as short gut syndrome with TPN dependence, central line infection, seizure disorder, gastroenteritis, PAH, patients on chemotherapy, etc.
-What is the daily patient volume? Each provider sees 6 patients on average during the day and 12 overnight
-Daily work routine/expectations
Current Basic Life Support (BLS), Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS)
by Jobble