Gastroenterologist locum needed in Springfield, OR!
Rate is $375/hour
- Housing, rental car, and flight provided
- Start mid Sept
- 6-12 months with potential to extend
- Hospital, adult only
- Monday through Saturday, 12 hours with overnight call (5 on/9 off rotation)
- Provider will be the only inpatient GI physician but will have access to specialty consultants, as needed & will have ability to connect w/outpatient GI colleagues for workflow questions, etc.
- Rounding, new consults and procedures
- Certifications required: ERCP, ACLS, Board Certified G
- Credentialing: 60 days
- Must have OR license or IMLC
If you are interested in this position please call or text Molly Tanner with Howard Sloan at or email me at