POSITION TITLE Exceptional Children Educational Diagnostician SCHOOL/DEPARTMENT Assigned school
SALARY Teacher Salary Scale
REPORTS TO Exceptional Children Director & Lead School Psychologist and/or Designee
POSITION PURPOSE: The primary purpose of the Educational Diagnostician is to coordinate with licensed school psychologists and school personnel to select and administer formal and informal assessments to assist a team in determining student eligibility for Exceptional Children's Services according to federal and state regulations. The Educational Diagnostician will conduct appropriate educational assessments and provide information in determining a student's strengths and challenges which can be used in educational planning. This position will be responsible for paperwork management and support school personnel in the special education processes and procedures.
KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS, AND ABILITIES - Experience in administering, scoring and interpreting educational assessments and communicating results in written reports
- Excellent oral and written communication skills
- Strong, self-directed time management skills and excellent organizational skills
- Ability to work cooperatively and collaboratively with school psychologists and other team members in the assessment process
- Working knowledge of policies/requirements governing special education and the multi-tiered systems of support (MTSS) framework
- Knowledge of appropriate modifications and interventions related to instructional needs of students that are observed during assessments or as result of intervention team planning
- Knowledge of classroom techniques and academic activities at each educational level
- Ability to analyze learning situations and educational measurements and make recommendations for placement based on sound criteria
CORE COMPETENCIES - Recognize and demonstrate respect for individual differences between culture, religion, gender, and sexual orientation of students with disabilities and their families within verbal and written interactions
- Maintain boundaries for relationships and communication with students and their families within the professional and ethical scope of responsibility. Refer questions about student progress to appropriate licensed professionals
- Conduct activities with integrity and in compliance with applicable local, state and federal standards, policies and guidelines
- Maintain the dignity, privacy, and confidentiality of all students with disabilities, families, and school personnel
- Establish and maintain professional, collegial, and appropriate relationships with school personnel, students, and their families
- Demonstrates flexibility, cooperation, and openness in scheduling activities throughout the day for growth and willingness to contribute in a team approach
EDUCATION, TRAINING, AND EXPERIENCE - Licensed EC Teacher with a Bachelor's degree in special education from an appropriately accredited institution, and three years of experience in educational testing; or an equivalent combination of education and experience.
- Any equivalent combination of training and experience that provides the required knowledge, skills and abilities
- Ability to interpret required policies related to the components for special education classifications and evaluation/assessment data
- Ability to operate a computer and related software such as Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint and/or Google documents (i.e. PC or Mac)
CERTIFICATION AND LICENSE REQUIREMENTS - Must possess a valid driver's license issued by the NC Department of Motor Vehicles
PREFERRED QUALIFICATIONS: - Training in working with students with special needs
- Bilingual oral and/or written skills (such as Spanish)
ESSENTIAL DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES - Administer and score screening instruments, standardized tests and criterion referenced instruments
- Collect and organize relevant assessment data from the student's cumulative folder, classroom teacher(s), administrator, parents and outside resource personnel
- Conduct classroom observations and personal interviews as appropriate
- Analyze assessment results and data review and provide a report for review by parents and school staff as a component of the special education eligibility evaluation
- Complete required Individual Education Program (IEP) paperwork
- Support staff in development of referral, re-evaluation, eligibility, and components of the IEP paperwork
- Provide input and recommendations on the development of the IEP
- Participate in the IEP Team Meeting regarding the interpretation of assessment data and development of IEP for students according to district procedures
- Collaboratively consult with parents concerning the educational needs of students as required
- Compile, maintain, and file all reports and other documents as required
- Communicate effectively with students and school staff
- Maintain and respect confidentiality of student and school personnel information
- Perform other duties as assigned and within the scope of practice