Professional/Certified - Position Type/Grade Level - Special Education Teacher
Job Number 4900019517
Start Date
Open Date 08/27/2024
Closing Date
Position Purpose:
Under the general supervision of the School Principal, to maximize the learning experience of students with special needs, in academics, interpersonal skills and activities of daily living by implementing district approved curriculum; documenting teaching and student progress/activities, outcomes; addressing students' specific needs; providing a safe and optimal learning environment.
- Bachelor's Degree from an accredited university
- Valid State of Texas Special Education Teacher (EC-12) - or - eligible for employment through an Alternative Certification Program (ACP).
- Eligible ACP candidates must also meet requirements by passing TExES examination(s) for this position.
- Bilingual Certification
- General knowledge of curriculum & instruction
- Ability to instruct students and manage their behavior; and
- Strong organizational, communication, and interpersonal skills.
Duty Days: 187 Days
Building/Campus Rio Hondo Elementary
Salary: From 50500.00
Job Description View Attachment