Do you love numbers? -- Rebuilding Alliance is looking for an audit team leader!
Rebuilding Alliance was founded in 2003 as a non-profit charitable organization in the State of California. Since registering, Rebuilding Alliance has been working with coalitions of people and groups around the world to provide humanitarian aid to war-torn neighborhoods, and to promote citizen and diplomatic engagement worldwide to make them safe through advocacy, education, and support. At present in Gaza, we are serving over 60,000 hot meals each day with the help of the World Food Programme.
For the first time, Rebuilding Alliance is planning to do a formal financial audit for 2024. We are looking for an Internal Audit Team Leader. This volunteer will report directly to the Independent Auditor and work closely with Rebuilding Alliance’s financial team. The Internal Audit Team Leader will lead and help the 2024 audit stay on track.
- Planning: Contribute to the development of the annual audit plan and programs, which may be risk-based…
Mission Statement
Rebuilding Alliance is dedicated to advancing equal rights for the Palestinian people through education, advocacy, and support that assures Palestinian families the right to a home, schooling, economic security, safety, and a promising future.
Mon Jan 27, 2025 - Sat Apr 26, 2025
08:00 AM - 06:00 PM
Weekdays - Daytime and Evening
Weekend - Daytime and Evening