Instructional - Certification - Educational Media Specialist (grades PK-12)
Job Number 9900002755
Start Date
Open Date 08/06/2024
Closing Date
(1) Bachelor's Degree from an accredited institution.
(2) Certified in Media.
(3) Computer proficiency.
Ability to read, interpret, and follow School Board rules, Code of Ethics, School Board policies, and appropriate state and federal statutes. Ability to demonstrate effective skills of listening, speaking, and writing. Ability to use skills necessary in curriculum design and alignment, planning, organizing, and analyzing data, supervision, problem-solving, and public relations. Ability to select, organize, administer, and utilize instructional media, equipment, and technology. Ability to integrate the resources and services of the library media program with the ongoing instructional program. Ability to assist students and school personnel in the effective use of media. Ability to use group dynamic skills in the context of cultural diversity. Knowledge of subject content, teaching theories, methods and practice, current research, and trends. Knowledge of the unique needs, growth patterns, and characteristics of the students served.
Other Job Type (if applicable) MEDIA SPECIALIST
# of Jobs 1
Salary: From 47500.00
Salary: To 59445.00