Get the kids home from school and then go to work! Do you have afternoons available? Earn with us. Home Instead is hiring part time caregivers to keep seniors safe, comfortable, and at home. We provide a variety of services that allow seniors to remain in their home and meet the challenges of aging with dignity, care, and compassion. Schedule: Afternoon hours availableDuties include, but are not limited to:Companionship and conversationLight housekeeping tasks and meal preparationMedication and appointment remindersProviding personal care (incontinence care, bathing, transfers, etc.)We value our Caregivers and offer the following benefits:Schedule that works for you24/7 Office supportEducation/promotionMileage reimbursement401K with an employer match$$ Referral Bonus $$Additional pay for weekend and holiday shiftAva Rewards to earn gift cardsTap Check to get paid before pay day!Our Melrose office services the following communities: Melrose, Stoneham, Wakefield, Malden, Everett, Chelsea, Revere, Lynn, Nahant, East Boston, Winthrop, and Saugus.Visit today to apply For questions, please call 781-662-2273.Home Instead. To us, it's personalPosition InformationTitle:Part-Time CNA or HHAID:51902157Please note that this is the job board for the franchise office located at One Nelson Terrace, Melrose MA 02176. Each Home Instead franchise is independently owned and operated. To find a franchise near you, please visit the Careers page.For job related questions please call the franchise office at 781-662-2273.