Hospitalist Locums Assignment
$210 Hourly Rate
- Inpatient Medicine
- Nocturnest to Day Shift
- 14 Patients per shift - 25 Bed unit
- Board Certified / Eligible
- 10-14 Days for Hosp Privs
- All support services are available Call coverage 5pm - 7 am
06/9/23 5 pm - 6/12/23 7am
6/19/23 - 6/21/23 7am - 5 pm
Procedures - minimal. Usually, the General Surgery and PIC team does all the central lines and codes are handled by the ER and the support staff and ER does the intubation.
The shifts for June 9-11 are 12 hrs on-site and 12 hrs on call
Support staff - The charge nurses fields all the calls and questions and would only reach out if needed while on call.
Avg patient volume - 12-15/day usually depends on the hospital census and patient volume and a maximum of 18 on a busy day.
Consults/calls on night - Can range from 0- 8 depending on patient acuity and hospital census