History buff or not, Prairie du Chien is a Wisconsin's second oldest city that brags of rich museums and they need a General Surgeon!
- $2600 per 24 hour shift
- two days of clinic/week, 24/7call
- Board Certified, minimum of 2 years experience
Core Cases: General Surgery Upper and Lower Endoscopy • Screening • Diagnostic Appendectomy • Laparoscopic • Open Cholecystectomy • Laparoscopic • Open Hernia Repair • Inguinal • Ventral • Incisional Laparotomy • Exploratory • Diagnostic Colon Resection Hemorrhoidectomy Excisional Skin Procedures Biopsies Surgical Vascular Access Rural Trauma Stabilization Breast Surgery Foregut Procedures (Nissen Fundoplication, esophageal procedures, etc.
- Ability to do endoscopy is important to support the inpatient service for STABLE GI bleeds
Give me a call to discuss more details! Remember, housing, travel, car are all paid for while you are on assignment.
I look forward to hearing from you!