Ability to follow the Aludyne Safety Standard Knowledge of and ability to follow safety program. Ability to work overtime. Daily and Weekends if required. Ability to locate dies scheduled for maintenance and repair, open dies inspect for defects, clean and polish cavities, surfaces and parting line surfaces. Ability to check water lines for breaks, blockage and free flow and install replacement fittings as necessary. Ability to interpret simple blueprints Ability to replace bent or broken ejector and punch pins. Ability to troubleshoot minor tool problem Maintain die cast dies for back up Prepare dies/cavities for shipment to outside tool vendor; which includes removing die cavities from retainer whenever possible. Must be able to read a tape measure to a 1/32 of an inch and write results down on forms Familiar with proper operations of: drill presses, bench grinders, cut off saws, abrasive saws, and pedestal grinders Capable of working on hot molds (300-600 degrees F) with company provided PPE Any stick, TIG, or MIG welding experience is a plus. Existing or previous Fork lift license or experience is a plus. Any familiarity with the use of an overhead crane is a plus. Any familiarity to set up or maintain low voltage electrical circuits is a plus. Any familiarity to set up, trouble shoot and inspect pneumatic circuits is a plus #IN032