Urology Clinic Call Coverage Eureka CA
- Ongoing 7-10 days a month thru March 2020
- Average # Patients 18
- Hospital-based surgeries 3-6 surgery per day
- Office/clinic surgeries 8-10 cystoscopy & TRUS
- About 98% Adult & 2% Pediatric
- 3 exam rooms & 3 procedure rooms
- Office equipment: GOBY Urodynamics System, Olympus Flexible Scopes, Rigid Scopes, Rectal US for TRUS Biopsy and Fiduciary Marker Placement, Medivator Sterilization System, All power exam procedure tables.
Dates: - Urology 5/21/2019 5/28/2019
- Urology 6/21/2019 6/28/2019
- Urology 7/12/2019 7/22/2019
- Urology 8/12/2019 8/19/2019
- Urology 9/16/2019 9/23/2019
Required:1. Providers must be able to cover the full September set (9/16-23) and have general ongoing availability 7-10 days per month.
2. Candidates must have an active CA license and Fluoroscopy certificate at the time of presentation.
Feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn