Remote Part-Time TelePsychiatrist Locums Job Flexible Schedule Start ASAP
Must speak Spanish and be licensed in multiple states. Opportunity to build your own schedule and earn supplemental income!
No prescribing
Low acuity therapy - 30 minute consults
Will see ages 11 and up
Mostly dealing with stress and anxiety
Will use Telehealth platform to see patients virtually
Would like for you to be available at least 3-5 hours per week and logged in for at least one hour increments
Schedule is very flexible
Appointments with patients are scheduled
Paid per consult
Jackson + Coker offers:
+ Weekly Direct Deposit
+ Top Rated Malpractice Insurance
+ In-House Travel Agency
+ 24/7 Recruiter Availability + Single Point of Contact
+ Experienced In-House Privileging Coordinators
Experience why Jackson + Coker has been recognized by Forbes and Staffing Industry Analysts for our commitment to service excellence.
Apply Today!
Sky Carpenter
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