Title: Administrative Assistant
Contract: 1-2 years with opportunity for extensions
Location: San Diego Gas, 1 San Diego, CA 92123
-onsite 5 days/week for the first 2 months while training
Pay rate: $20-25/hour
Must-haves Requirements:
- Experience with Excel and word and able to stay organized while balancing multiple tasks
- Bachelor's Degree
- administrative background at construction company or municipality
- experience processing permits
An employer in San Diego is seeking an Administrative Assistant to join their team. This person will be responsible for handling permit requests through municipalities, filing documents, setting up meetings, approving timecards for union employees and other ad hoc duties. The ideal candidate must be wiling to be onsite 5 days/week for the first 2 months while training. After that, will become a hybrid role. Must have a driven personality, ability to multitask, always want to lend help where needed, and organized.