Title: Recruiter – Onsite $22/hr. – Jackson WI
Type of Hire: Temp (6 months approx.)
Pay Rate: $22
Post Training Schedule: 8:30-5:30 or 9-6 are available for this role and there will be flexibility needed including one night a week until about 7:30-8pm
Location: ONSITE - Jackson WI USA 53037
Job Description:
Able to thoroughly screen candidates for open positions: Light Industrial positions (warehouse, order pickers etc.)
Assist with New Hire Orientations and 30-day reviews.
Able to work flexible hours.
Able to build solid working relationships with local and recruiting agencies when needed.
Needs to be ok with driving- doing job fairs.
administrative tasks like posting things on our TV’s and hanging flyers and updating at the site.
1-2 yrs. experience for Light Industrial positions
Experience with grassroots and boots on the ground recruiting.
High energy, candidates will be attending job fairs,
know how to work in a fast-paced environment, attention to detail-
We need someone with recruiting experience- who has new ideas for us- brings them to the table