Temp Part-time Faculty-History Posting Number
Employment Type
Faculty Type
Hiring Department
History Department (687A)
Academic Location
College of Arts & Sciences
Main - Albuquerque, NM
Benefits Eligible
Adjunct faculty may be eligible to receive certain UNM benefits in some cases. See the Benefits home page for more information.
Position Summary
Department of History
The UNM department of History anticipates hiring Adjunct Faculty to teach inperson and on campus in the Spring 2024 semester. Anticipated openingsinclude, but are not limited to, the following courses:
Hist. 1160: Western Civilization II
Hist. 1180: Survey of Modern Latin America
Hist. 300: Studies in History
Hist. 395: Studies in European History
Hist. 396: Studies in American History
Hist. 397: Studies in Latin American History
And undergraduate courses which are part ofthe department's permanent curriculum. Moreinformation about these courses can be found in the current UNM Catalog.
The Department of History is seeking qualified temporary part time facultymembers to teach undergraduate level classes in various subjects as specifiedabove. Instructors are responsible for all aspects of any class that they areassigned to teach. Such responsibilities include but are not limited to meetingwith the class during assigned times, delivering course content, developing andgrading assignments, reporting grades, and assessing student learning outcomesper standards outlined by the department.
Positions are contingent upon need each semester as determined by studentenrollment levels, the department's matrix for course offerings, and demanddriven by graduation requirements. Positions may be filled or eliminatedeach semester up to the deadline for students to drop or add courses.Candidates who are selected for these positions will report to the Chair of theUNM History Department
Best Consideration Dates:
Spring 2024 - November 15, 2023
UNM is the premier research university in New Mexico, and is a Carnegie Highest Research Activity Institution and a federally designated Hispanic Serving Institution. New Mexico is a majority minority state and UNM's student population is among the most diverse in the country. Our campus is located in the heart of Albuquerque, which has cultural, outdoor and recreational opportunities for everyone. UNM is located on the traditional homelands of the Pueblo of Sandia. The original peoples of New Mexico - Pueblo, Navajo, and Apache - and their connection to this land remains significant. Learn more about our city, our welcoming campus, and research opportunities at and
Minimum Qualifications: - Pursuant to the accreditation standards set by theHigher Learning Commission, applicants are considered qualified to teach thecourses described above if they either:
1. Hold a PhD degree in the discipline or subfield for which they are applying or been a working historian with at least 15 years of experience
2. Hold a PhD degree in a discipline related to but other than that for whichthey are applying and have successfully completed a minimum of 18 graduatecredit hours in an accredited program in the discipline or subfield for whichthey are applying.
Preferred Qualifications: 1. Successful teaching experience in a post-secondaryinstitution.
2. A demonstrated commitment to diversity, equity,inclusion, and student success, as well as working with broadly diversecommunities.
Application Instructions
Only applications submitted through the official UNMJobs site will be accepted. If you are viewing this job advertisement on a 3rd party site, please visit UNMJobs to submit an application.
Only applications submitted through the official UNMJobs site will be accepted. If you are viewing this job advertisement on a third-party site, please visit UNMJobs to submit an application. A complete application consists of the following: 1. A Cover Letter indicating the courses and/or disciplines in which you are interested in teaching; the days/times you are available to teach; and how your education and experience satisfy the Minimum and Preferred Qualifications criteria described above. 2. Curriculum vitae or resume. 3. A list of names and contact information of three professional references who can directly speak to your relevant knowledge, skills, and experience. Please note: Qualified applicants may be evaluated for potential interviews by the hiring official as new openings become available throughout the time period covered by this posting. Applicants who are appointed to a UNM faculty position are required to provide an official certification of successful completion of all degree requirements prior to their initial employment with UNM.
Applicants who are appointed to a UNM faculty position are required to provide an official certification of successful completion of all degree requirements prior to their initial employment with UNM.
For Best Consideration
This posting will remain active until 11/15/2023. Anyone who applies for a position under this posting will automatically be considered for openings in subsequent semesters unless they indicate in their cover letter that they are not interested in teaching in specific semesters.
The University of New Mexico is committed to hiring and retaining a diverse workforce. We are an Equal Opportunity Employer, making decisions without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, age, veteran status, disability, or any other protected class.