Specific activities to be performed include, but are not limited, to:
- Provide regular status updates to upper management on various projects and keep them abreast of risk, issues and mitigation plans.
- Guide requirements gathering meetings to elicit functional and/or operational requirements to define system functionality and current operations.
- Coordinate and document resolution of requirements and technical design comments and gaps with business and vendor staff.
- Evaluate design, development, testing, and confirm that results are consistent with the system or business processes.
- Analyze and revise flow charts, process models and technical specs describing as-is or to-be IT systems or business processes.
Software Architect Makes high-level design choices and dictates technical standards, including software coding standards, tools, and platforms. Designs multi-leveled architecture or component interactions of a large scale software system.
Expert 84+ months: Candidate is able to provide guidance to large teams and/or has extensive industry experience and is considered at the top of his/her field.
- Bachelor's Degree in Information Technology or Computer Science.
- 72 months experience working on the NYS Affordable Care Act (ACA), or other State/Federal based health exchanges.
- 72 months of experience with NYS health exchange, or other State/Federal-based health exchanges supporting State or Federal Auditing and transfers to CMS, IRS.
- 84 months of experience in designing and developing complex analytic/reporting systems including Cognos in health care industry.
- 60 months of experience in resolving data discrepancies (e.g., eligibility, enrollment) between the health exchange and other state-based systems, including eMedNY, WMS, KIDS, and OTDA.
- 84 months of experience with data delivery systems including Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) 834 transactions generated by NYS health exchange or other State/Federal based health exchanges for Medicaid, CHP, and Essential Plan program recipients.
- 84 months of experience in data interrogation, analysis, and profiling. Providing support to Business community with various data requests and issue analysis.